Origin – our development, our locations and manufactories


We apply all our knowledge and expertise to the invention and manufacture of new furniture. Four generations of experience are incorporated into this process. At our factory sites we cultivate the tradition of craftsmanship and carry the flame of passion for beautiful furniture made to the highest standards. We constantly renew ourselves by seizing the opportunities available to us today.


It all started with the establishment of our company as a woodworking shop. The commitment to craftsmanship, the love of wood and feeling it in our hands are part of our being – even though our products are made on an industrial scale as well as by hand. Switzerland is our home, and we have not lost our down-to-earth approach despite our international outlook. This is something we are proud of.

Swissness – A quality promise

It's not just a catchphrase! We cultivate a long tradition of Swiss product quality: intelligent functions and clever solutions, economic use of materials, high-quality workmanship and durability. We also feel committed to Swiss design in every way. Aesthetic and original thanks to its clear, simple forms, it often has a reassuring plainness and a certain understatement which appeals more to people who prefer soft tones.

Into Germany

The first subsidiary in a foreign country was set up in Endingen am Kaiserstuhl as long ago as 1963. Strategically located near Freiburg in the south of Baden, the site provided a good starting point for further expansion in Europe. The fact that we have the Alemannic dialect in common and that southern Germany and Switzerland share very similar values and ideals also made for a good base. This is where our centre of excellence for chair and upholstery production is now located.

Endingen am Kaiserstuhl

The beginnings were modest: Initially, selected models were produced for the German market in rented rooms in an old cigar factory.

Expansion for the European market

The company was able to buy a large area of industrial land from the town of Endingen back in 1968 and a modern factory was built. The production site was gradually expanded, a process that continues to this day.


Everything we do is based on an interdisciplinary approach, with workshops ranging from joinery, metalworking, varnishing, fabric cutting, sewing and upholstery to final assembly. Our facilities have been continuously improved over the course of time and centres of excellence have been created in order to optimize processes: solid wood production in Bützberg, upholstery and series chair production in Endingen.

Then and now

The wooden furniture for our collections has always been produced in the Bützberg workshops. Today, custom-built pieces made of solid wood for our Customized Furniture division and furniture renovations for the Remanufacturing division are also handled there. Specialists can make the best use of our resources here.

And lots of experiments are also carried out. Designs, processing methods and special surface treatments are developed. Remanufacturing entails lots of dismantling, sanding, static improvements or adding of new functions.  And finally, a considerable amount of servicing of solid wood furniture takes place in these workshops too.

Modern wood manufacture

Our carpenter's shop boasts the most important tool of all: the hands of our employees. This blend of manual work and high-tech industrial manufacturing can be seen in our products and accounts for their exceptional quality. In-depth material knowledge and craftsmanship are an essential basis for every production type. The high percentage of production work done in our factory enables us to cater specifically to your individual requirements.

Industrial production

The requirements of series production are very high and include optimal storage and warehouse management, internal logistics with regard to the materials and parts used, and efficient processes all the way from cutting, upholstery development and sewing to final assembly, quality assurance and dispatch handling.

Spacious, well-lit and well-managed premises provide for a pleasant working environment and a basis for good internal cooperation and short communication channels.

Material- and resource-efficient: state-of-the-art computer-assisted CNC cutting machines facilitate the preparation of sewing and upholstery jobs.

Serbia site

Expansion of manufacturing capacity.

The Danube as the region's lifeline

Location and advantages

The craft of woodworking has a long tradition in the province of Vojvodina. The landscape, characterized by flat plains, is sprinkled with small wooded areas. Serbia’s best oak forests grow along the Save and Danube rivers. Today, the Belgrade and Novi Sad region forms the most important centre of economic activity: it is home to the fastest-growing industry in Serbia and is thus also the country’s wealthiest area, clearly demonstrating that this country offers great potential for business partners.

A historical development

Historically, Vojvodina was ruled by the Habsburgs and was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the end of the First World War. The province then became part of Serbia and Yugoslavia. In the 18th century, the people known as Danube Swabians settled in this area, too, under Empress Maria Theresia. They brought with them considerable expertise such as craftsmanship and specialized technologies, and thus had a major influence on the region’s indigenous population, crafts and culture. This long tradition, a love of this material and a pleasure in working it are part of our DNA.

The potential in craftsmanship

The economy then began to flourish. After the Second World war and under Communism, development in the Vojvodina slowed down. But the past influence of the Germans and the know-how they had brought with them remained after the fall of the Iron Curtain, thus harbouring great potential. This know-how was handed down from generation to generation and our employees benefit from it to this day.


For Girsberger, Boreal doo as a production location offers the possibility of creating various furniture items as well as larger furnishing solutions at attractive prices while adhering to the highest quality and levels of craftsmanship.

Thanks to the in-house sourcing and exchange of knowledge, the various types of wood used and the processing methods are in harmony with each other. The in-house sales and logistics teams have considerable experience in organizing international shipments.

From wood processing to wood trade

In 2014 we started to build up our in-house wood trade with first-class procurement sources in order to meet our own production requirements and maintain our customary high standards. We now manage timber stores in Bützberg and Koblenz (CH) with a total of 3,500 cubic metres of carefully dried wood from larch, oak, elm, walnut and cherry trees. In addition, we supply carpenters and wood-processing factories.

Our storage facility in Koblenz (CH) is the vital hub of our wood trade. Girsberger supplies carpentry shops with high-quality solid wood from the whole of Europe from this storage facility.

Specific board thicknesses and log lengths can also be supplied alongside our standard range of high-quality products.