Publishing information and data protection

Publishing information and data protection



Girsberger Holding AG
Managing Director: Danielle Quaile
Bernstrasse 78
CH-4922 Bützberg
Tel +41 (0)62 958 58 58
Fax +41 (0)62 963 19 46
Commercial register: Canton of Bern CHE-103.528.019 | VAT ID number: 116.268.129 VAT

Layout: André Bolliger / Mathias Seiler
Photos: André Bolliger, Daniel Kuhn, Eugen Leu & Partner. Additional photographs are mentioned in the article itself.
Text: Dorothea Scheidl-Nennemann / Mathias Seiler
Project Manager Web / Webmaster: Daniel Kuhn
Technical development and programming: CS2, CH-4450 Sissach,

Data protection

This site was created entirely with open source CMS TYPO3.
TYPO3 is a free, open-source content management system, tailored to the needs of businesses for the internet, intranet and extranet.

Copyright by Girsberger Holding AG | Last updated: 04/2021

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