We are Girsberger – working at our company group

Working at Girsberger

Our company group offers career opportunities in the fields of craftsmanship and high-tech. 

We offer a wide variety of tasks at our sites. Our work is a combination of challenging craftsmanship and highly industrialized production processes.
Tasks in the Design, Product Development, Procurement, Production and Logistics, Marketing and Marketing Communication, Sales, Customer Service, IT and Finance business areas are handled on a transnational basis. This international collaboration is also based on teamwork and a sense of responsibility.

Danielle Quaile
Girsberger Holding AG

"We promote diversity, insist on equal rights and support flexible working models to ensure the best possible work-life balance. The personal development and continuing education of our employees are of great importance to us. Trust, appreciation and respectful behaviour are the key elements of our corporate culture.“

We are Girsberger

Our tasks are varied, our requirements demanding and our jobs diverse. Employees from different sites, fields of work and companies talk about their personal experiences, what motivates them, and what makes working at Girsberger special. 

Alexander Zähringer
Project Manager / Draughtsman Remanufacturing and Customized Furniture
Nadine Zürcher
Head of Human Resources
Raffael Fürst
Joiner, training as a project manager
Anita Johner
Head of Sales Office Home
Henning Schweizer
Managing Director Girsberger GmbH
Petra Crnoja
Deputy Head of Custom Manufacturing and Upholstery Development
Julien Florentin
Maintenance and Repair team
Jelena Bošković
Production Manager
Mathias Seiler
Head of Design and Marketing
Tirza van Netten
Office Manager
Helge Brünings
Head of Purchasing and Logistics
Markus Hammer
Branch Manager Austria
Urs Aegerter
Sales, Girsberger Solid Wood
Ursula von Bergen
Logistics employee and driver
Patrice Seifriz
Head of Development
Francesca Hüglin
Online Marketing Manager
Matthias Blaser
Project Manager Customized Furniture and Upcycling Projects
Mariano Curto
IT Administrator

Alexander Zähringer
Project Manager / Draughtsman Remanufacturing and Customized Furniture
Girsberger GmbH, Endingen, Germany

After a brief detour into mechanical engineering, I was drawn to return home and come back to my original area of work with Girsberger. As a trained carpenter and cabinetmaker with a degree in wood engineering, I have several years of experience as a product developer with another company in the industry. I really enjoy the contact I have with architects and designers, as well as the constant variety. Girsberger is renowned for its excellent upholstered furniture, and I’ve been a part of the company for six months now.

I often used to wonder where all the old furniture goes and what happens to it! The position advertised appealed to me, especially the Remanufacturing business area with its approach to sustainability. This concept of conservation is very popular with customers, as the seating itself is usually still structurally sound. I love the way we can maintain the character of a piece of furniture, even improving certain features and extending its life, while also constantly finding new solutions.

With Customized Furniture, I enjoy creating unique furniture in a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach based on the idea of an architect or designer. I also enjoy communicating with suppliers, and I appreciate the culture of dialogue within the company and the strong cohesion in my team. I’d like to gradually develop the team in my area of work, keep on cultivating a spirit of cooperation and implement new techniques.

What I like about Girsberger as an employer, apart from the attractive benefits, is the flat hierarchy, the direct communication and the high level of trust. I also value the company’s willingness to consider and implement suggestions for optimisation

Nadine Zürcher
Head of Human Resources
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

My work in HR is varied and diverse, with a stream of new challenges on both the operational and strategic levels. I especially enjoy the contact I have with lots of different people, and the wide range of tasks involved in my work. As a central department, HR directly shapes the corporate culture and the company’s success, has an influence on the support, development and satisfaction of employees and handles strategic issues like personnel development, leadership development and change management. In today’s competitive labour market, it’s particularly challenging to maintain a balance between employee interests and company objectives.

Having grown up in the Oberaargau region myself, I’ve always been fascinated by Girsberger and its innovative, high-quality and sustainable products. The company offers an appreciative and informal working environment that combines tradition and innovation, with a firm focus on sustainability. You can always rely on getting the support you need, and there are plenty of opportunities for professional development.

Raffael Fürst
Project Manager Customized Furniture
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

I originally joined Girsberger as a carpenter – working with solid wood is what makes the company so special, and has become such an exception in our profession! I completed a part-time project management training course last year. My new role as project manager also involves learning more about other areas such as metalworking and upholstery, as I am in charge of organising all the different trades. Planning and construction drawings, feasibility studies and liaising with architects and clients are now all essential parts of my job, and I look forward to gaining lots of new experience. Each new project is completely different from the one before – always challenging, and usually with a tight schedule.
The key to success is making sure that everyone in the team can do their best work and contribute to the end result, and this works really well.

Anita Johner
Head of Sales Office Home
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

I’ve been working in the Home division since 2015. I really enjoy the responsibility of managing my team and have plenty of creative scope. For me, joining Girsberger was like getting back to my roots. Having grown up in a sawmill and timber outlet, I've always had an affinity for wood. I share my enthusiasm for Girsberger’s products and the company’s skills with our dealers and end customers on a daily basis. Customers also greatly appreciate the personal, professional advice they get in the showroom, and our “live service”, which allows them to design their own tabletop in the joinery, together with our specialists. Doing this forms a close bond between the person and the table. Just as every person is unique, each Girsberger table is one-of-a-kind, with its own character.

I’m proud to be part of Girsberger.

Henning Schweizer
Managing Director 
Girsberger GmbH, Endingen, Germany

In 2008, when the economy wasn't in great shape, I left Hessen and headed south to Kaiserstuhl – a gorgeous region. At the time, this marked a real turning point for me personally. All these years, the Girsberger family has always placed a huge amount of trust in me, and I've been able to work very independently from the outset. That trust has always meant a great deal to me. In the intervening period, we have developed the site, which was founded in 1963, into a centre of excellence for chair manufacture and customized solutions. A wealth of expertise has been established there over a very short period. Plus, almost all exports are managed from Endingen and we've had our own employees representing us in the Netherlands and Austria for many years.

I pass on the trust placed in me to my staff: our success depends very much on individual personalities. It is a privilege to be a managing director. I’m conscious that, at the end of the day, success is always a joint effort. That's why it's good to sometimes do things in my role that aren't part of my routine tasks. We all spend so much time together each day and are dedicated to the company as if it were our own business.

Personally, I really enjoy working with people, both internally and externally, and guiding and developing employees. I can safely say that we're a well-oiled team and can count on each other – and the same is true of our colleagues at the other sites.

Over the next few years, ushering in the new generation of the workforce while also consolidating the site and expanding Girsberger as an employer brand locally will be two of my key tasks. Needless to say, we are not unaffected by the changes on the job market, but I see this development as more of an opportunity and a challenge for us.

Somebody once said to me that we are a “sleeping giant”. That's an incentive for me.

One thing that has really struck me throughout is that the Girsberger family has a keen interest in the individual too, and sees the bigger picture when it comes to employee well-being.

Petra Crnoja
Deputy Head of Custom Manufacturing and Upholstery Development 
Girsberger GmbH, Endingen, Germany

My main task is developing the cutting patterns for all the upholstery covers in CAD, for all the serial products as well as for development projects. We use the design drawings as a starting point; we combine various foam qualities to create our upholstery. For commercial settings, we also have to incorporate fire prevention properties. We’re guided by the customer's requirements and always produce several prototypes. Because of this, it usually takes several attempts until the final templates are created.
I originally studied forestry, with a focus on wood engineering. In 2020 I applied to Girsberger for my current role and was given this opportunity as a career changer. I've done a lot more training since then and learned the ropes in what for me is a new area. The varied requirements we handle are what appeal to me. You have to be very creative and you can really use your imagination to come up with the right construction and upholstery solutions. I find it particularly satisfying when we develop products from scratch. When wood is involved, my original profession also comes into play. Customer focus is paramount, as we produce highly customized furniture. We're also in regular contact with the designers and get direct feedback. I find it fascinating to be able to learn so much every day!

Julien Florentin
Maintenance and Repair team
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

When I was looking for a career change, Girsberger was the obvious choice because I live in Langenthal and already had experience working with office furniture. I’ve had time to find my way around my new role in maintenance and repair, and I really enjoy being able to organise my own day and plan my own schedule. I prepare my van with the equipment I’ll be needing for the day’s work, which mainly covers eastern Switzerland. The jobs I do are really varied, ranging from cleaning upholstery and repairing mechanisms to check-ups and refreshing solid wood surfaces. Depending on how complex the job is, I work on site at the customer’s premises or, with bigger volumes, we collect the furniture and do the work at our factory. When it comes to upholstery we often have to decide if cleaning will be enough, or if a complete replacement is needed. I really enjoy having contact with customers. At Girsberger I especially appreciate the flexibility and the trust placed in me, as well as the personal exchange with my colleagues. I also have the chance to do regular product training courses.

Jelena Bošković
Production Manager
Boreal Doo, Ruma

Here in Serbia, the opportunity to work with solid wood is extremely rare. But it is precisely this work that fascinates me, because I studied at the Faculty of Forestry, Wood Science and Technology in Belgrade. When I heard about the opportunities here through acquaintances who already work at Boreal, I applied for the position as project manager. I am very well trained in technology, management and the technical implementation of the design of furniture and wood products. I am fascinated by the diversity and the holistic nature of the tasks and the opportunities to bring my know-how and technical knowledge to bear in working out the best possible production methods. I’ve now been given responsibility for the whole of manufacturing - so I can develop myself further. Our company is continually developing and expanding, and I benefit greatly from the constant dialogue with colleagues in our international group of companies. I take particular pride in how I and the whole team keep delivering lots of new and challenging projects on time.

Mathias Seiler
Head of Design and Marketing
Girsberger Holding AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

In my view, Girsberger is one of the most likeable and best brands in our industry. When I took charge of the “Design and Marketing” division in 2010, a former employee said to me: “I’ll always be a ‘Girsberger’, even though I now work for another company.” It’s nice when somebody says something like that about a company. Our department's particular appeal stems from the variety of the tasks involved: we handle almost every aspect of design and communication ourselves. Product design, photography, brochures, website, public relations etc. So we have a major influence on how the Girsberger brand is perceived. Working on the design is what I enjoy most of all, without a doubt. That moment when the paper is still blank and all the options are open. This work is always high subjective and is closely bound up with your own personality.

Tirza van Netten
Office Manager
Girsberger GmbH, Naarden, Netherlands

As the sales office team of Girsberger's subsidiary in the Netherlands, we deal directly with customers. Our tasks include advice provision, order processing, order fulfilment and the organisation of deliveries as well as providing after-sales and customer service. The appeal of my job is that we are a small team who all know each other extremely well and this allows many unnecessary formalities to be dispensed with. Information exchanges and decision-making routes are very short and efficient. But we also remain in constant, pleasant contact with our colleagues in Endingen and Bützberg where ideas are exchanged and solutions to any issues that arise are found. We do our utmost to satisfy our customers and always try to uphold good relationships with them, even when faced with unusual challenges. My particular personal strength is definitely my positive attitude. I enjoy dealing with people, communicating and also using my foreign language skills. That's why I'm completely in my element in this role. What I like about Girsberger is both the products and the informal and easy-going interactions between staff within a supportive environment. We are all on a first-name basis in the company and I feel seen and truly appreciated.

Helge Brünings
Head of Purchasing and Logistics
Girsberger GmbH, Endingen, Germany

I was already quite familiar with Girsberger as I had already sat on the company's swivel chairs at a previous employer. Pursuing a sustainability-based procurement policy aligns with my values and that's why I applied after I saw the job advertisement. The focus at Girsberger is on quality and on suppliers that are as regional as possible – at least from Central Europe. I started as an administrator in the Purchasing Department after which I became a purchasing manager. Now, I am the Head of Purchasing and Logistics. This combination of roles gives rise to many synergistic outcomes and enables me to pursue the company's strategic aims within my remit of supply chains. The special appeal in the tasks I am required to do lies in their diversity: I work with an extremely wide range of industries which also gives me insights into many materials. Moreover, working with people from different cultures is also highly interesting and enriching. Improving the outcome of processes and, in turn, being able to have a positive influence on corporate goals gives me pleasure and spurs me on. This combination of purchasing and logistics means that I always need to wear different hats in order to represent the interests of both areas with maximum effectiveness. My own team has recently been looking at things with fresh inventiveness – we are now contemplating transferring ideas from tried and tested solutions to other applications. What I particularly like about Girsberger as an employer is that we are given free rein to work quite independently and that employees' suggestions, thoughts and ideas are always listened to. Everyone is given the opportunity to assert their personal strengths to the best of their ability.

Markus Hammer
Branch Manager Austria
Girsberger GmbH

For me, Girsberger is a company where mutual respect is writ large. I have been supporting the company's growth and progress since 2011 and have managed the Austrian subsidiary since 2015. With our outstanding range and individual solutions, we can perform well beyond what is standard and respond flexibly. It’s important to me that our market presence is authentic and honest so, as well as my expertise, I also bring my personality to bear and am able to act independently. I greatly value this opportunity, and the strong feedback culture along with the trust placed in me and my individual responsibility. I’m therefore very proud of our ability to stand out from the market as a brand in Austria and of how we keep working to develop and expand our structures. Liaising closely with our cooperation partners within the group, we get very good support with short channels of communication. The work of our small team is very varied and wide-ranging and as multi-faceted as our customers, partners and dealers from all the regions of Austria, with their differing requirements and mindsets.

Urs Aegerter
Sales, Girsberger Solid Wood
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

Having previously worked as a joiner, in furniture sales and in interior design consulting, I joined Girsberger in 2000 where, to start with, I worked in sales for the Home collection. A few years ago, because of my affinity for wood, I was asked to help establish the new solid wood business. It was a fascinating task. Today, we’ve reached a level at which it's very enjoyable handling the most unusual of requests. Acquiring and winning over new customers is my passion. We have exceptionally strong expertise, but the requirements we have to meet these days are also huge. Which makes it all the more rewarding when I’m able to fulfil unusual requests. Besides the variety, the company also offers us security, and we're all very informal with each other. It's great.

Ursula von Bergen
Logistics employee and driver
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

What makes my current role so appealing is that I can organize things, plan routes on the computer, and drive a truck myself. It's a great combination, and quite rare. When I saw a job vacancy at Girsberger that was the perfect fit for me, I instantly applied. Girsberger has always been a familiar name to me, because I come from around here. The motivation for me is knowing that I've got everything done by the evening and that the customers are happy. I have to confess I am a perfectionist, which isn't always a good thing. I also try to treat all my work colleagues and customers as I would like to be treated myself. Respect and appreciation for others are very important and I find Girsberger to be a very socially responsible employer.

Patrice Seifriz
Head of Development
Girsberger Holding AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

Even before completing my Master's at university, studying alongside my first job as a design engineer, the groundwork was laid at the company for my responsibility in the Product Development division.

What's fascinating about what we do is that, from product idea right through to market launch, you're involved in the whole development process. New products rapidly emerge, in short cycles, from visual prototypes and functional models to production-ready. You're responsible for complete products and see them evolve. We have to deal with every conceivable issue and we work with other departments in an interdisciplinary way.

Life is about give and take, an attitude that is wholeheartedly embraced at Girsberger. As an employee, you're not a number. Everyone knows who everybody is. There's a real family feel.

Francesca Hüglin
Online Marketing Manager
Girsberger GmbH, Endingen, Germany

Coming from an agency, it was my goal to join a company that supplies products with which I can identify. With its values, I felt Girsberger was very credible. The design-led products really appeal to me. Crucially, its sustainable credentials also impressed me. I am allowed a great deal of freedom in my job and am able to make my mark. The measures I take are quantifiable, so it is immediately obvious whether and in what ways I've succeeded. Plus there are the creative aspects of my role as webmaster. It's a great combination! Working independently, the ability to organize myself and prioritize are essential to the role, and I like that. Despite Girsberger being an international company, its internal structure is very straightforward and informal and very much built on cooperation. This makes Girsberger very appealing.

Matthias Blaser
Project Manager Customized Furniture and Upcycling Projects
Girsberger AG, Bützberg, Switzerland

It’s a real privilege for me to have found such a varied and challenging job in my own home town. I started out as a trained carpenter and interior design draughtsman for final assembly in wood production. I went on to work as a project carpenter and later as a project manager in the Customized Furniture business area, which was just being set up.

I’ve been here for 15 years now, and the constant flow of new tasks means my job is always interesting. My further training has always been “on the job” – I grew along with the work assigned to me, and I’m very happy with this. There are of course always opportunities for external training, but I prefer to broaden my horizons in a practical setting, in project-based collaboration with suppliers or with our partner companies. My job as a draughtsman is not just about being a carpenter – I also need a good knowledge of all our other trades, like metal construction, upholstering and structural design.

My main focus at the moment is on our upcycling projects, which involve taking old products and making something new. This is both challenging and highly creative work. We bring existing resources back into circulation, and it’s really rewarding to investigate feasibility and put design ideas into practice. I’m also responsible for estimating the work involved and calculating the prices for these upcycling products, which have to be able to compete with the new products that are also available.

The experience I’ve built up over time allows me to utilize my own personality to the full. It’s great to see how customers value our expertise, and the work is really enjoyable, with something new all the time – even if the deadlines are more and more challenging. The biggest motivation for me is the appreciation, satisfaction and recognition we get from our customers.

What I like about Girsberger is the friendly and informal atmosphere – and all the freedom, trust and flexibility we enjoy!

Mariano Curto
IT Administrator
Girsberger GmbH, Endingen, Germany

As an IT specialist focusing on system integration, I've worked in a variety of roles at several companies. In 2019 I was offered the job of handling the technical administration of Girsberger GmbH’s IT infrastructure. As part of the group's IT team, I love the fact that we can offer solutions and the associated support internally to all our sites, working closely together. I particularly enjoy being able to set myself new technical challenges and work with state-of-the-art solutions, as I’m a real technophile and I enjoy getting my teeth into really complex IT stuff. I am inquisitive, efficient and proactive by nature. Being involved in designing the IT landscape makes my job interesting, as I can develop and contribute ideas. I've always had a lot of contact with customers throughout my career, and I also derive a lot of enjoyment from providing technical support for the workforce. Good work and commitment are very much applauded here.
You don't immediately realize just how big Girsberger is, but my team works with people in different countries. I love this and am in regular contact with my team, which makes it all very varied and interesting. As I can access all our systems remotely, I like working from home sometimes. For me, the proximity to where I live, and the short commute, is ideal and works brilliantly with my young family.