Volkshaus Biel - Refurbished audience seating

Volkshaus Biel, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland

Refurbished audience seating

The Volkshaus in Biel/Bienne is one of the most striking buildings in this industrial town at the south foot of the Jura, and is considered to be an outstanding accomplishment of Bieler Moderne architecture. As part of an extensive renovation project, Girsberger reconditioned the chairs in the large hall, which seats around 400 people. In the process, Girsberger's Remanufacturing team revamped a total of 557 chairs (the DSC 106 model by Castelli) and helped to restore the room's original ambiance and identity. This great classic chair by Castelli with winning functionality is well worth reconditioning in many cases.

The seat shells and backrests were sanded down and revarnished in black. The metal frames were coated with a protective varnish. The renovation project allowed the overall architectural look to be preserved. During the work, Girsberger provided Volkshaus Biel with temporary seating. 

Chairs by Castelli, model DSC 106
