Scout24 is Switzerland’s leading network of online marketplaces. As part of the major “New world of work” project, Berther Bürogestaltung transformed the company's previously rather bland, cramped premises in Flamatt into a modern, calm office oasis. By rearranging the workstations and creating more quiet zones and a design with splashes of colour and various eye-catching features, the location was turned into a highly modern working environment that meets all the latest requirements in terms of comfort and colour scheme.
The new concept envisages a combination of working from home and working in the office, and thus introduces FlexDesks. This is an elegant solution to the previous lack of space, creating more room between the workstations and offering alternatives to the traditional desk. This was achieved, for example, with quiet zones using the Velum Business Lounge and workstations with Akio standing tables. It also included the creation of urgently needed meeting and collaboration zones, while paying attention to ergonomics and well-being.
Flamatt, Switzerland
Office planning
Cécile Berther, Berther Büromöbel GmbH, Rubigen, Switzerland
Simplex 3D, Simplex 3D High Stool, Marva,Marva High Stool, Biala, Akio, Akio High, Velum Business Lounge
Daniel Kuhn / Girsberger